You are viewing the docs for v0.5. This is not the latest version.


You can install nuxt-auth via npm, yarn or pnpm:

npm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth@0.5.0
yarn add --dev @sidebase/nuxt-auth@0.5.0
pnpm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth@0.5.0
Note that we try our best to keep nuxt-auth stable, but it is also a young module that is in active development. If you want to be extra sure nothing breaks, you should pin the patch version, e.g., by using --save-exact when running the install command.

nuxt-auth has next-auth as a peer-dependency. With all package managers except npm you must install the peer dependency alongside nuxt-auth:

yarn add next-auth@4.21.1
pnpm i next-auth@4.21.1

You can find all available next-auth versions on npm. You do not need to install any other peer-dependencies in order to use nuxt-auth.


nuxt-auth only needs Nuxt 3 to run. In the future Nuxt 2 or Nuxt Bridge may be supported.